Dispenser-Mounted Vacuum Source

VP1000 Series

Dispenser-Mounted Vacuum Source

VP1000 Series

One vacuum pump per dispenser supplies both sides, reducing long term maintenance costs. The VP1000 has been designed to satisfy the vapor recovery needs of a blender or non-blender dispenser. Simple installation with no excavation minimizes downtime and labor. The VP1000 connects to the dispenser with a simple interface module without costly software changes or electronic board replacement. This is the most cost-effective dispenser-mounted vacuum-assist system on the market today.

  • Compatible with new and existing dispensers.
  • Underground tank certification.
  • Efficient vapor collection and hose clearing with a 1/8 Hp motor.
  • Clean Air Separator mechanically and passively manages tank pressure to prevent fugitive emissions and eliminates evaporative product loss.
  • Sensorless making for an easy install and maintenance-free solution.
  • No motor binding.
  • Near zero rotor replacement.

VP1000 Dimensions

VP1000 Installation