Remote Fill Splice Kit

Remote Fill Splice Kit

The EBW® brand Defender Series® remote fill splice kit allows you to modify a standard drop tube for remote fill applications. The open tube design provides access to a Defender Series® overfill prevention valve (OPV) for remote testing without having to remove the assembly. The kit contains installation hardware as well as a gasketed splice which is then roll-crimped inside of the drop tube using the Defender Series® OPV installation tool. An external O-ring provides a vapor tight seal inside the riser tee. The kit provides the same biofuel compatibility as the Defender Series® OPV


  1. Top drop tube (included with OPV)
  2. Defender Series® remote fill splice kit
  3. Bottom drop tube (included with OPV)
  4. Defender Series overfill prevention valve (included with OPV)
  5. 4” x 4” x 4” tee (locally supplied)
  6. Remote fill line