Carbon Series™ Fiberglass Dispenser Sumps

Aug 12, 2020 | Products , Carbon

Introducing our new Carbon Series™ fiberglass dispenser sumps. With both single wall and double wall versions now available, you’ll be sure to find a solution for your needs. The Carbon Series™ family of fiberglass sumps provide easy access to under-dispenser equipment while delivering serious protection from liquid intrusion and state-of-art compliance monitoring options to fit your needs and local regulations. Check out the new manufacturing techniques and monitoring options that make these the most versatile dispenser sumps in the industry.


The Light Resin Transfer Molding (Light RTM) technology used to manufacture Carbon Series™ sumps gives them consistent wall thickness throughout the entire assembly for superior rigidity as well as an extremely smooth surface to facilitate watertight entry boot installation. The large sump body accommodates up to five pipe entries and provides easy access to piping connections and the top frame provides a conduitless electrical entry on both sides, allowing electrical conduit to enter the dispenser directly from the bottom and avoiding penetrations and potential leak paths.

Carbon Series™ double wall fiberglass sumps can be ordered with an optional pre-installed monitoring port for either mechanical, electronic, or hydrostatic monitoring of the double wall interstitial space. The monitoring port provides dual pathways to the interstitial space of the containment to prevent vapor lock from causing false readings. Meanwhile the double wall design, integrated vacuum port and optional sensor port provide containment monitoring to avoid costly hydrostatic testing and the associated dispenser shutdown.

Not sure which sump you need? Check out our Dispenser Sump Guide, with a side by side comparison of our polyethylene and fiberglass dispenser sumps here. Be sure to consider your compliance needs, operational requirements, weather/environmental conditions, and total budget when deciding between polyethylene and fiberglass dispenser sumps.

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